Fake Holy Sword Story ~I Was Taken Along When I Sold My Childhood Friend~ Chapter 58

All Together…!

Chapter 58 All Together…!

「(Daaaaaaaamn! I should have been able to pretend not to know if I came in late!!)」

『Of course you can’t. I absolutely will make you search and save her.』

Alistar and the Holy Sword are quarreling inside as usual. It doesn’t seem to change under any circumstances.

「Wha, that’s impossible…! With that much numbers, how …!?」

「That’s nothing special (because the cursed sword controlled me as he please).」

To Alistar who laughs fearlessly, and Maximilian is terrified. It should be natural for him to be crushed such numbers, but he still has room to smile.

Such existence is in front of him. It’s nothing but a threat.

「Now, will you give Malta back? (Haa… It should have been over if you just take her away somewhere…)」

He holds the holy sword with a serious expression on the front side, and thinks about trashy things inside. This is Alistar-Quality.

This is the worst era where the Saint of this generation is similar.

「I-idiot…! There’s no way I’ll obediently give her back…!」


Maximilian violently grabs and wakes Malta, who falls down on the ground, and makes her his shield.

「Listen, if you don’t want me to kill her, leave without taking anything from here. And then, forget everything you saw today. If you do so, I’ll overlook you.」

Maximilian said that if Alistar leaves behind the mermaids including Malta, he will be overlooked. Of course, this is a lie. He can’t trust that Alistar won’t talk about today and he’ll send an assassin after he leaves this place. If that’s still no good, he just need to falsely accuse Alistar and throw him into jail.

「Alistar! Don’t worry about me, get him!」

「Y-you! Don’t say unnecessary things…!」

The hostage Malta said such things.

Maximilian distorted his face in anger for a moment, but he calmed down.

Alistar is a good person who infiltrated his mansion to save the mermaids. There’s no way such a man will abandon someone close to him.

「There is nothing you can do! Even if you try to do something, I can take her life quicker than you! Just obediently leave this place!」

『Kuh…! 』

It was the holy sword that leaked the voice of agony to Maximilian’s words.

Just like what he said, it will be difficult to get ahead before he tries to do anything to Malta.

If it’s the previous suitable person then he might be able to do something, but if he moves the lack of exercise Alistar’s body with full strength, Alistar will definitely receive tremendous damage.

『……Eh? Isn’t that fine?』

When the holy sword started to worry, Alistar was…

「(How wonderful, Maximilian…)」

He was ecstatic.

He can leave the mermaid and run away from here. From Alistar’s point of view, it is a wonderful proposal without any disadvantages. He can get out of this place happily.

『Oi, trash. Don’t think that you can escape.』


The deeply connected holy sword read the disturbing thoughts and warned him.

Alistar smacked his lips inside his mind.

「(Still, Maximilian is fundamentally wrong.)」

『Yes, that’s right! Taking a hostage is absolutely wrong! To think that you say something decent…』

The holy sword agrees with Alistar’s words. He never thought that Alistar was thinking the same things as him. He always thinking trashy things, but it seems he’s growing up.

The holy sword was thrilled because Alistar was growing in a good direction, but…

「(Ha? What are you saying? The hostage is effective, right?)」


Alistar didn’t understand what the holy sword is saying, he murmured so in his mind.

「(I said, it’s valid. In fact, you can’t make a move, right?)」

Alistar doesn’t think that taking a hostage is wrong. He’ll happily use that method if he can avoid danger. However, Maximilian made a big mistake.

「(A hostage has meaning only when it has value to a person.)」

「Yeah, well…」

That’s right. Since the Holy Sword considers everyone has value, it’s effective no matter who is being taken as a hostage. However, many people are not like that and the holy sword also knows about it.

It won’t effective to many people if the one being taken as a hostage is not someone close such as family or lover. That’s why there’s no point in taking a stranger as a hostage.

『D-don’t tell me…!』

The holy sword is shivering when he understands what Alistar wants to say is.

「(Did you think Malta has a worth as the hostage for me?)」

The Holy Sword recalled at that time.

The suitable person from this generation is a twisted trash by nature… a low-life among low-life. A man who naturally looked down on the existence other than himself and only thinking about himself since the moment he had awareness.

There’s nothing he could do to such a principle with just accompanied him for several months.



「Will you believe in me?」

Alistar called out to Malta while the holy sword was shivering.

It sounds like a very good conversation. However, to the holy sword, who knew Alistar’s rotten heart, the conversation had a very bad feeling.

「…Of course. Even if everyone doesn’t believe you, I will.」

Malta shows a very beautiful smile and says very beautiful words.

『No! Alistar is a scum far more than what you think!!』

The holy sword appeals strongly, but his voice does not reach Malta who is not a suitable person and does not match the wavelength.

……By the point of his voice can reach Alistar and Magali, isn’t this holy sword dangerous too?

「……I see」

Alistar smiles.

Commitment get…!

When Alistar sets up the holy sword, an ominous black wave overflows from it. Even though it’s night, its blackness is conspicuous.

A black that swallows even black. To such horror, not only Maximilian, even Malta’s spine is frozen. In her mind, she recalls when Alistar was being modest and somewhat showed a frail smile. (TLn: ‘I’m not strong at all…’)

Is this related to that?

When remembering that, the fear towards Alistar did not sprout. On the contrary, she felt that something warm was on her chest. But, that’s because Malta has a good feeling for Alistar.

For Maximilian, who had hostility against him, it is as terrifying as the fire of hell.

「H-hiiii…!? B-but, you can’t shoot it! I have this woman as a hostage after all…!!」

While having a spasm, he raised his voice loudly to encouraged himself. But, despite the one saying it, he feels anxiety towards his words.

He can’t attack… he can’t. At this distance, Malta will get swallowed too. That’s why he shouldn’t be able to shoot it.

But… but, why is Alistar still glaring at him while making the black magic power overflow?

「You can’t do it! You’re bluffing!」

Maximilian barks while having a lot of cold sweats.

Of course, he doesn’t understand Alistar at all. His egoism principle is disgusting. Well, the only person who knows this is Magali, who is also the same.

「(I don’t have a hobby to hurt people. So, I will bring you down without making you suffer with a single blow.)」

『You’re talking about Maximilian, right!? No, no matter how bad he is, you must not take his life though. You’re not talking about Malta, right!?』

The holy sword is shouting, but Alistar completely ignores him.

There’s a rumbling and the black magic power on the holy sword increases in scale and force.

「I-I understand! I’ll talk… I’ll talk about anything! I’ll also talk about Pamela who cooperated with me and sold the mermaids, I’ll properly show the evidence!!」


To the blackness that swallows even night, Maximilian screams seriously. To his words, Malta feels like time has stopped, but unfortunately, it was not related to Alistar.

「(Vanish all together…!!)」


Alistar raised the holy sword. The Holy Sword tried to stop his body, but it was too late.

「Eat thiiiiiiiis!!」


Alistar did not hesitate to shoot the black magic power on the holy sword. Maximilian pushed Malta and tried to escape, but it was too late.

The ominous power approached, faster than his desperate escaping legs. Gouging the ground, making the air scream, the powerful slash approaches Maximilian and Malta.

『You idioooooooot!!』


When the holy sword’s rebuke echoed in Alistar’s brain, the slash was about to reach Malta…

Even though Malta believes in him, she reflexively closed her eyes.

She somewhat tried to endure the shock, but …


Malta opens her eyes in surprise.

She should have been slashed. And yet, there is no damage. The black magic power touched Malta, but there was nothing sharp.

‘Was the attack failed?’ Malta thought so, but…


She heard that Maximilian was screaming from behind, so she realized that the attack was successful.


She believed… she believed and Alistar responded.

To the man who saved herself from the crisis, Malta embraced emotions in her chest that she never had before.

『This very day, I won’t forgive you!! 』


When Malta was about to take a step to the path she should never take, the holy sword’s headache attacked Alistar.

【The Hero Alistar can’t overlook the weak person that’s suffering. What represents his personality is that he saved the beautiful mermaids who got captured by a villainous noble.

Noble is noble even if rotten. If anything opposes its existence, nobody knows what intense retaliation will be received. The authority of the opponent is so powerful that no matter how hard the people are under oppression, they can’t oppose it. Even if they can, it is to improve their lives as much as possible.

However, Alistar faced the noble from the front, not for himself, but to save mermaids he had never met. He entered the noble’s mansion together with a gentle mermaid, Malta, who tried to save her brethren.

Malta was captured by the evil noble, but she was saved by the kind heart Alistar, and the mermaids who were captured were also rescued.

The hero saves not only humans but also sub-humans. It is a story that reveals hiss bottomless kindness.】

Excerpt from Chapter 5 of 『Holy Sword Legend』.


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